Right then new blog eh? so what does my first posts title mean?
As a profession solution developer, analyst, programmer who's medium is the web I feel my stance had to be explained.
Well in a nutshell I don't have a website, I used to, full of useless info about what music I liked, a cheesy picture of me (rarity considering my web presence is normal accompanied by an IK + avatar) hell, it even had frames! But what was the point? okay there were a couple of items of useful content namely a few university essays (even got referenced by a Dr at Swedish university) but largely it was rubbish, looked rubbish and guess what contained rubbish.
Website 2.0 (with a much cooler design but, still with frames *sigh*) was moderately better but, chiefly still full of rubbish. I got bored and let it lapse and then decided to take a stand against the "oh look at my homepage" mentality and thus as I had nothing to contribute my resolve was to not further clutter the world wide web.
However, for several years now I have been a keen Tweeter, so to break with the 140 character limit I have decided to take my blathering and blithering blog wards. Nope, I am definitely not following the blog trend (after all the blog is the new homepage is it not?) I feel the need to share my thoughts in the form of a semi public dairy nay blog.
So that's me.
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